

First inhabitants arrive in Chagos Archipelago as enslaved Africans. After emancipation, indentured Indians arrive helping to form a new, unique society and a people first known as the Ilwa. Continue reading


U.S. Navy approaches Britain about building a base on Diego Garcia. Secret negotiations begin. Continue reading


During secret U.S./U.K. talks, U.S. indicates desire for “exclusive control” of Diego Garcia “without local inhabitants.” U.K. officials agree. Continue reading


Exchange of Notes gives U.S. access to Diego Garcia for 50 years with automatic 20-year renewal. U.K. secretly agrees to remove Chagossians for $14 million hidden from Congress, Parliament. Continue reading


Chagossians in Mauritius for vacations or medical treatment barred from returning home and stranded in Mauritius. Britain limits supplies of food, medicines to help depopulate the islands. Continue reading


Navy tells Congress the islands have no permanent population as part of a U.K./U.S. plan to “maintain the fiction” that Chagossians are transient workers and not indigenous to the islands. Continue reading


Construction begins on Diego Garcia. British agents and U.S. Navy personnel gas and burn Chagossians’ pet dogs. Chagossians on Diego Garcia deported to Mauritius and Seychelles. Continue reading


Last Chagossians deported from other Chagos islands to Mauritius. Continue reading


Washington Post breaks the story in Western press, describes Chagossians living in “abject poverty” in Mauritius. One day of Congressional hearings held before interest fades. Continue reading


Chagossians hold hunger strikes, protests, and U.K. agrees to £4 million compensation. Chagossians receive about $6,000/recipient. U.S. spends hundreds of millions to expand Diego Garcia base. Continue reading


After Chagossians sue for right of return, U.K. High Court rules for expulsion was illegal. Continue reading


After allowing a return following 2000 ruling, U.K. Government issues Queen’s “Orders in Council” decreeing Chagossians barred from returning, effectively overturning 2000 victory. Continue reading


After two more High Court rulings find the exile unlawful, U.K.’s highest court overturns Chagossians’ lower court victories, upholding the exile and colonial law. Continue reading


U.K. creates Chagos Marine Protected Area (MPA) with exemption for Diego Garcia base. Wikileaks cable shows U.K., U.S. officials agreed MPA was best way to prevent Chagossians from going home. Continue reading


U.K. releases study confirming the feasibility of Chagossians resettling Chagos. UN Permanent Court of Arbitration rules U.K. acted illegally in creating an MPA. Continue reading


British Supreme Court urges U.K. Government to decide finally if Chagossians can return. Chagossians were refused but will sue again. Chagossians remain in exile, waiting to hear if they can go home. Continue reading

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