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Addressed to UKMIS New York telegram No. 4361 of 10 Nov. Secret, questioning of islands as self governing. 10-11-65

BIOT Costs of Setting up the Territory. Confidential Communication. 09-05-67

Chief Secretary’s Office, Port Louis. Defence Facilities in the Indian Ocean. Telegram in response to Parlement. 10-11-65

Confidential Outward Telegram from the Commonwealth Office to the Seychelles. Diego Garcia survey. 12-04-67

Four Report- Chagos May 1967. Trip to Diego Garcia. Report for Trip. 05-67

Inward Telegram to the secretary of State for the Colonies.Company work on Diego Garcia. 17-12-65

Lloyd. Inward Telegram to the Scretary of State for the Colonies. Payment for Islands. 14-06-65.

Note of a Meeting Held in the Ministry of Defence. Future of the Plantations on Diego Garcia. 20-10-67

Secret and Personal Commonweatlth office communication. Relocations to Seychelles.16-08-67

Secret. 01-08-1966

Shore Division (Naval). UK and US Survey of Diego Garcia. Naval Communication. 28-04-67

Smith, Trafford. Extract from Letter. Secret letter of resettlement issues. 13-07-65

Background on Diego Garcia. 06-04-2006

Jacobsmeyer P. Letter to D. Vine. 04-23-2009

Naval Support Facility on Diego Garcia. 02-25-1976

Vine D. Diego Garcia FOIA Request. 07-09-2005

Citation Form for Documents in the Operational Archives. 11-05-2001

Cuddeback J. Letter to Vine D. from LBJ Library. 11-01-2005

DeMartino M. Letter to Vine D. from JFK Library. 08-08-2005

Gerald R. Ford Foundation Research Travel Grants Program. 04-05-2004

Goodrich A. Email to Vine D. from Kennedy Library. 21-10-2004

Goodrich A. Letter to Vine D. from JFK Library. 11-17-2004

Grants-in-Aid of Research for LBJ Library. 05-2003

Jarrett S. Email to Vine D. LBJ Library materials on Diego Garcia. 07-06-2004

Jarrett S. Letter to Vine D. from LBJ Library. 03-01-2007

Jarrett S. Letter to Vine D. from LBJ Library. 05-12-2005

Jarrett S. Letter to Vine D. from LBJ Library. 20-05-2005

JFK Library Grant and Fellowship Program. 04-05-2004

JFK Research Grant and Fellowship Programs. 04-05-2004

LBJ Library Document Withdrawal Sheet. Requested Review. 17-12-2004

LBJ Library- Documents Submitted for Agency Review. Vine D. 11-01-2005

LBJ Library Draft. Citing Historical Materials from the Collections of the Lyndon B. Johnson Library. 07-2002

Mandatory Review Handout. LBJ Library. 08-1996

Materials at the LBJ Library Pertaining to Western Europe and NATO (1963-1969). 07-1993

McNitt W. Email to Vine D. Ford Library holdings on Diego Garcia. 28-05-2004

Porter M. Letter to Vine D. from JFK Presidential Library and Museum. 31-01-2006

Raaska H. Letter to Vine D. from Gerald R. Ford Library. 22-10-2004

Reed L. Letter to Vine D. from LBJ Foundation. 10-28-2004

Vine D. Freedom of Information Act Request. 27-7-2005

947 Plenary Meeting. United Nations General Assembly. Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples. 15-12-60

Blood, H. The Peaks of Lemuria. Geographical Magazine. 1957

Challinor, D. Letter from the Desk of David Challinor. Finding a suitable island for an air strip (Diego Garcia). 21-12-2004

Colebrooke, W. Report of the commisioners of inquiry upon the slave trade at Mauritius. Report. 01-06-1829

Forsberg, S. Geography of Chagos. p. 1-63

Gabriel, A. Between Chagos Agalega Limited and Albert Gabriel. Wage Agreement of island employees. 1965

Harris, J. Transafrica Forum. Ilois Tragedy. 1990

Hewitt, M. Memorandum Ilois Community in Mauritius. 29-06-81

Mauritius, Republic of. Certified Extract of a Death Entry [Death Certificate] for Laurent Ernest. 28-03-1968 [29-10-2003]

Medor, R.Mauritius, Republic of. Certified Extract of a Death Entry [Death Certificate] for Roseline Medor 17-05-67 [29-10-2003]

Stoddart, D. R. Settlements and Development of Diego Garcia. Atoll Research Bulletin. 27-08-71

Teseral, J. Great Power Rivalry over Diego Garcia in 18th Century. Declassified Date_ 11-07-05

Tisseyre, S. Return to Diego Garcia. Guardian Weekly. 23-05-2005

Bower, Graham. Ordinance No. 4 of 1904. Ordinance of the Lesser Dependencies. 18-04-1904

Catherine, Dominique. Chagossians in Mauritius. Count of Chagossians who wish to return. 10-12-02

Dick, F. Mauritius Archives. Document in French. 1842

Dubois, P. Crown Lands. Surveyor General of the queeen’s lands. 1863

Kuczynski, R. R. Demographic survey of the British Colonial Empire. [1977] 1949

Ly-Tio-Fane, H. and Rajabalee, S. An Account of Diego Garcie and its People. History of Diego Garcia. ND

Mardemootoo, Sivakumaren. The Plight of the Chagossians. Attorney records. 15-10-2001

Mauritius Archives. Document collection. [In French] 1783-1828

Memoire. Document in French. 1828

Note. In French. p. 4-6. 20-06-1872

Peerthum, Dulary and Peerthum, Satyendra. By the Sweat of their Brow, A Study of Free and Unfree Labourers in the Chagos Archipelago, 1783-1880. Abstract. 2002

Ray, Himanshu Prabha and Salles, Jean-Francois. Tradition and Archeaology, Early Maritime Contacts of the Indian Ocean, an Overview. Indian Ocean islands. 1994

A. R. for Head of Shore Division (Naval). 22-10-1964

BDS Wahington. Diego Garcia. 19-4-67

Booth C. Diego Garcia. 17-7-1968

British Indian Ocean Territory. Problem. 1-4-1969

Campbell D. Diego Garcia. 1-5-1968

Counsell E. Working Papers on BIOT. 7-3-1969

Draft Submission from CDS to the Secretary of State. Diego Garcia. 7-3-67

Earl of Oxford and Asquith. Confidential, Inward Telegram, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. 17-12-1965

Foreign Office and Commonwealth Office to Certain Missions. Guidance No. 84. 25-4-1967

Guidance Department. Foreign and Commonwealth Office to Certain Missions. 24-6-1969

Guidance Dept. Diego Garcia U.S. Naval Refuelling and Communications Facility. 24-6-1969

Henry H. Pacific and Indian Ocean Department. 27-6-1969

Inward Telegram to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. Resettlement costs seem sufficiant. 27-07-65

Johnstone R. Call of Prime Minister of Mauritius on the Secretary of State on 4 July, 1969. 2-7-1969

Kennedy J. Resettlement of the Population now in the Chagos. 5-6-1969

Outward Telegram from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Mauritius and Seychelles. Terms of Agreement with the US. 19-07-65.

Outward Telegram From the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Seychelles. Administration of the detached islands. 21-07-65.

Patterson J. After island is sold, Seychelles will have no claim on islands profits. 16-07-65

Patterson J. Compensation of islands for Mauritus and Seychelles, but what does this mean. 17-06-53

Solesby T. Letter to Mr. O’Leary. 7-3-1969

Stewart M. British Indian Ocean Territory. 21-4-1969

Sykes R. British Indian Ocean Territory. 1-4-1969

Sykes R. Defence Facilities in the Indian Ocean. No Date

Terrall R. Pacific and Indian Ocean Department. Defense plans and running of the island economies. 09-07-65

Thomson J. Diego Garcia. 22-11-67

U.S. Proposal to build on Diego Garcia and Britian’s role. Early 1970s

US Naval Refueling and Communications Facility_ Diego Garcia. No Date ~1969

Book. pages ii-120

Census Returns. 1830

Colony of Mauritius. the Laws of Mauritius. 1922

Dalais H. From report of Mr. Magistrate. 08-11-1935

de l’Enregistrement des Esclaves. Majastre. 29-08-1835

Diego Garcia Expedition 1786 Diego Garcia. Letter

Dupont I. Report on Diego Garcia. 23-05-1883

Freeman. Report of Mr. Magistrate M. Rousset on the Chagos Group. 04-01-1940

Greffe de l’Enregistrement des Esclaves

Greffe. de l’Enregistrement des Esclaves. No. 5353

Hanning W. Mauritius No. 109. 29-03-1931

Islands of the Lesser Dependencies Conceded and Now Belonging to the Different Oil Companies. 1860s 1950s

Mauritius. Of the Number of Slaves and Estimated Value. 01-02-1835

Miscellaneous in and out letters. 09-1838

Mr. Laurent Barbe Census Record for Slaves. 1830

Officer Administering the Government. Port Louis Letter. 20-12-1932

Return of the Number of Slaves transferred from Mauritius to its dependencies on 01-1821 to 10-04-1826

Addressed to Wahington telegram No. 3665 of 3 May. 3-5-1965

Annex A. British Indian Ocean Territory. 1-4-1969

British Indian Ocean Territory. Recommendation. 14-12-1966

Brown A. Letter to Helen Trask. 21-4-1986

Brown F. letter to Christopher. 2-2-1966

Chalfont. Exchange of Notes concerning the Availability for Defence Purposes of the British Indian Ocean Territory. 04-1967

Colonial Office. Defence Interests in the Indian Ocean. 20-10-1964

Defence Department. Secret. General Background. 16-12-1970

Defence Interests in the Indian Ocean. 3-3-1965

Defence Interests in the Indian Ocean. Corespondance. 07-1965

Foreign Office note. Steering Committee on International Organizations Presentation of British Indian Ocean Territory in the United Nations. 8-9-1966

Gibbon J. Brief on UK and US London Discussion on United States Defence Interests in the Indian Ocean. 6-3-1964

Greatbatch B. Priority Seychelles to Foreign and Commonwealth. 28-8-1969

Greatbatch. To Immediate Seychelles Office. 25-10-1971

Greenwood A. Brief for the Secretary of State’s Discussion with Mr. Rusk, 4 p.m., Monday, 10 May, 1965. 5-11-1965

In the Matter of an Application for Judicial Review

Internal Distribution. Ministry of Defence. 29-3-1964

Jerrom T. Future of people present on Islands. 28-7-1965

John. Indian Ocean Islands. 26-7-1965

King C. Secret. United Kingdom Mission to the United Nations. 5-30-1964

Letter to Governor of Seychelles. 20-10-1971

Newton R. Report on the Anglo-American Survey in the Indian Ocean, 1964. 23-9-1964

Outward Telegram. Addressed to Governor, Mauritius. 6-3-1964

Port Louis to Governor Seychelles (Personal). 20-10-1971

Telegram. Defence Interests in Indian Ocean. 6-7-1965

Todd R. Letter to Allen. 20-8-1971

Trench N. Letter to Geofrey. 9-8-1965

Watt I. Letter to Mr. Scott. BIOT Resettlement. 19-2-1971

Watt I. Resettlement of the Inhabitants of the Chagos Archipelago. 8-2-1971

Administrator. Chagos. Note of a visit by the Comissioner and Administrator BIOT 9-22_11_68. Report on the Condition of the Chagos Plantations. 28-11-68

Document one. Draft. BIOT Former Links with Mauritius and the Seychelles. Describes Chagossians. 12-07-67pdf

Document one. An Agreement made between his excellency and Southern Line Limited. Vessel Agreement between BIOT and Kenya. 17-04-68

Document four. Draft. BIOT Former Links with Mauritius and the Seychelles. Describes Chagossians. 12-07-67

Document four. An Agreement made between his excellency and Southern Line Limited. Vessel Agreement between BIOT and Kenya. 17-04-68

Diego Garcia. Evacuation of the Island for the US. ND

Desire, George. Act of Birth- Birth in the Colony of Seychelles. [Birth Certificate] 03-06-73

Dawson-Moray. A. Document concerning Mauritus and BIOT. British High Commission 08-68

Dale. Report of Diego Garcia Evacuees. Islanders kept in new prison blocks for homing purposes. ND

Counsell, E.H.M. Defence Facilities in the Indian Ocean. Explanation of telegram about the removal of the island inhabitants. 19-02-69

Confidential Wages and Conditions of Employment- Copra Plantations Chagos Archipelago. Number of People on the islands. March 1968.

Commissioner British Indian Ocean Territory. Resettlement of Chagos Populations, Confidential. 03-06-68

Commissioner British Indian Ocean Territory. Population of Chagos. 04-06-68

Carter. Confidential ukcommsonly. Scheme to have pigs used as a subsidiary employment for displaced people. 07-03-72

Carter, P A. Resettlement of Ilois in Mauritius. Recognize that resettlement will be difficult. 04-01-71

BIOT Working Papers_ No. 3 The problem of the people living in the Chagos Archipelago. 2nd Draft. Extra copy. 08-69

Aust, A.I. Three possible solutions to the population problem. Removing the population. 05-03-69

Alternative Ways of Removing the Illois from BIOT. Ways to remove the Chagos population. 1969

Document three. An Agreement made between his excellency and Southern Line Limited. Vessel Agreement between BIOT and Kenya. 17-04-68

Loustau-Lalanne, N. Numbers of islanders resettled and compensation. 20-08-73

Lambert, J.H. Confidential- Status of the inhabitants of BIOT.. Governments of Mauritus and Seychellois 04-09-68

Itamgoolam, S. Prime Minister. Mauritian government accepts payment for resettlement of displaced Chagossians. 04-09-72

Issued F8 (AD). Payments of Islands. 11-05-67

Immediate Commonwealth Office to Seychelles Telegram No. BIOT 63.Notification of Deportation of Chagossians. 09-10-68

Hinton, S.G. Islanders are not happy with their situation. Nothing Port Louis can do but listen. 31-10-74

Hale, E. J. J., Provision of a Ship for BIOT. 18-04-68

Griffiths, E. Mr. Eldon Griffiths (Con) (Bury St. Edmunds). Negotiations for Island Purchase. 17-04-67

Griffiths, E. Background Notes. Answer of Griffith’s question about purchase. 12-04-67

Greatbatch. Telegram with Nordvear carrying Chagossians. Stating that Seychells cannot take on more people. 07-11-72

Greatbatch. Isle of Farquhar Leaving. Remaining Laborer evacuation. 27-08-71

Greatbatch. Confidential to Priority FCO Telno BIOT 58 of 3 November info Port Louis. Return of Isle of Farquhar. 04-11-71

Greatbatch. Confidential and personal To Priority FCO Telno BIOT 65 of 17 December. Cash settlement rates of resettlement. 21-12-71

Douglas-home. Mauritian Resettlments of Chagos personal and the problems of finding islanders employment. 18-11-71

Document two. Draft. BIOT Former Links with Mauritius and the Seychelles. Describes Chagossians. 12-07-67

Document two. An Agreement made between his excellency and Southern Line Limited. Vessel Agreement between BIOT and Kenya. 17-04-68.pdf

Document three. Draft. BIOT Former Links with Mauritius and the Seychelles. Describes Chagossians. 12-07-67

Lucas, A.E. M. 90. Issued F8 (AD). 31-05-67

Secret ‘UK Eyes Only’ to Governor of Seychelles. Compensation of resettlement. 10-10-68

Population of the islands and resettlement monies communications. N.D.

Polverton, K. A. Project discussion for Islanders resettlement and new ways of life. 03-05-71

Pages Missing (From BIOT Wag Papers_) 1969

P.I.O.D. Secret. BIOT Working Papers Paper No. 5_ Evacuation and Resettlement of Inhabitants of Chagos Archipelago. Resettlement of Chagossians. 03-69

P.I.O.D. Secret. BIOT Working Papers Paper No. 5_ Evacuation and Resettlement of Inhabiants of Chago Archipelago. 2nd Draft 03_69.pdf

P.I.O.D. Secret. BIOT Working Papers Paper No. 4_ Relocation of Diego Garcia plantation workers on Peros Banhos and Salomon. 2nd Draft 03-69

P.I.O.D. Secret. BIOT Working Papers Paper No. 2_ H.M.G’s Undertakings to the Mauritius Government. Negotiations with Mauritius. 03-69

P.I.O.D. Secret. BIOT Working Papers Paper No. 1_ General Background. Background of the Chagos Archipelago. 03-69

P.I.O.D. Secret. BIOT Working Papers figures. 03-69

P. and I.O.D. Port Louis to Commonwealth Office. Telegram. 14-10-68

Notes on Visit by the Administrator BIOT. An account of the uncertain future of the islanders.31_08-15_09_68

Notes on 1968

Norris, E.G. Secret-Noticing the unemployment of the Chagossians once removed from the Island. 11-09-68

Nordvaer. Ship used to deport last round of Chagossians. 28-10-2002

Mr. J. Thomas. Defence Policy Department. Comments of minutes on resettlement monies

Mr. J. Thomas, defence policy Department. Diego Garcia.N.D

More shipments of resettlement islanders, ships of Isle of Farquer and Noriveer. ND

Matthews, F. Working Papers on BIOT. List of papers. 12-03-69

Matthews, F. Secret telegram to UK from Seychelles. Count of Islanders who will need to be removed. 03-07-69

Lynoh, MFJ. Resettlement in Mauritius of Ilois From BIOT. resettlement estimated expenses should be higher. 19-04-72

Lucas, AE. Tenure of British Indian Ocean Territory. BIOT titles. 08-06-67

Lucas, A.E. Note. Foreign account transfer. 10-05-67

Secret. BIOT Working Papers. Suggested Admendments. 12-03-69

Todd, J.R. Aftermation of ability to remove islanders. Plantation Employment. 21-10-69

Todd, J.R. Account of resettlement costs. 16-03-74

Todd, J. Notes on a Visit to Chagos by the Administrator, British Indian-Ocean Territory 17th July- 2nd August 1970. 06-08-70

To Priority FCO Telmo 148 of 4 May 1971. Mouline says that satisfactory plans to keep islanders compensated has been made. 04-05-71

To Mr. Johnstone. BIOT. Concerns with Seychelles involvement with resettling Diego Garcia. 1969.

Thomas, J. U.S. Navel Refueling and Communications Facility at Diego Garcia. 10-10-69

Thomas, J. Resettlement of Population of Chagos. Resettlement notification. 23-07-69

The United Kingdom Parliament. Excerpts of UK Parlement correspondences. 02-28-2003

The Officer Adminstering the Government of Mauritius. In Confidence. Telegram of BIOT payments. 09-01-67.

The Officer Adminstering the Government of Mauritius. In Confidence. Telegram of BIOT payments. 09-01-67 page 2

The British High Comission, Port Louis. Resettling Chagossians in Mauritus and agreements with them.17-09-68

The Administrator. British Indian Ocean Territory Acquisition of Private Ownerships. Confirmed payments for islands. 06-67

Talking points copy of _ Talking points of paragraph 2. 13-01-71

Stoddart, Jonathon D. Secret. Impact of moving the islanders on labor forces. 22-02-69

Stewart. Secret UK Eyes Only. Addressed to Port Louis. UK government seeking information on number of Chagossians to be displaced. 17-02-69

Sir. B. Greatbatch. Immediate Seychelles to Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Notes that telegrams take three days to deliver. 12-12-70

Sir H. Norman-Walker. Immediate Seychelles to commonwealth office.Labor Force Chagos. 14-10-68

Sir H. Norman Walker. Matthews Letter Q. C. Diego Garcia imports. 14-10-68

Sir H. Norman Walker. Housing on Peros and Salomon. Housing for Islanders. 12-10-68

Sir B. Greatbatch. Moulinie is reliable and will help resettlement. 26-11-69

Shaw, J.B.D. B. I. O. T. UN debate Memo.12-02-69

Seller, CA. Response to letter sent on 19-05-66. ND

Secret. Port Louis to Foreign and Commonwealth Office. resettlement costs and payment. 25-02-69

Todd, J.R. Record of Visit to Chagos to tell inhabitants that island will be closed. 17-02-71

Your BIOT 9_ Diego Garcia Project. Explanation of Moulinie’s plans for Chagos.

Wooler. Port Lewis to Foreign Office. Resettlement options.25-02-69

Wickens, E. G. Resettlement fo Mauritians Formerly resident in BIOT. Letter.04-10-68

Whinell, K.R. Cost of resettlement raised in reply from MOD. Costs to resettle population.05-69

Westminster Bank LTD. Ministry of Defence. Purchase of Farquhar Islands. 12-66

US Naval Refuelling and Communications Facility_ Diego Garcia. Background Note. Secrecy of the removals. ND.

Tomkins. Telegram number 529. Payments from Americans for islands.20-02-69

Todd. Resettlement of Population of Chagos. Final Appendix

Todd, JR. Dear Allen. Nordvaer reports that islanders are accepting their fates to be removed. 23-06-72

Todd, J.R. Resettlement realities of Islanders who are Chagos and Mauritian and impossibility to know how many will be displaced. 26-11-71

Todd, J.R. Remaining laborers in Chagos Archipelago. 12-12-72

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